Veterinary Products

Obtaining the correct dosages for very small or very large animals sometimes requires compounding. Also, there are some medications that need to be re-formulated into gels for animals that refuse oral medications (e.g. cats). There are other medicines that must be compounded because they are no longer commercially available.
Why Choose Us?
Palm Beach Compounding Pharmacy has been serving the needs of our patients and providers since 2004. The quality of our products and expertise is well known among veterinary specialists and provides a well-deserved reputation of reliable quality and superior service.
We have the experience and expertise necessary to craft the ideal solutions for your pet. Some of the most commonly requested dosage forms includes suspensions (our patients often call them “soup”), treats for dogs and cats, transdermal (delivered through the skin) creams and ointments, and veterinary paste. Don’t forget to tell us what your pet loves to eat so we can add the right flavor.